不定期營業,製作中國服請Whatsapp (852) 66988229 ;暫休至2025年3月10日復業。請勿下單,已下單將全數退款,謝謝你。

Business Hour, Payment & Delivery


經歷數年疫情,因公司已拒絕賣盤。本公司現正淡出所有業務,待所有製衣同事退休後,便會正式結業。(詳情可參閱facebook page)


不設Whatsapp或social media形式回覆,電話將由有空的工場同事接聽,敬請保持耐心及禮貌。



BBshop.com.hk 全力支持本地婦女就業,所聘用的同事為從事紡織車衣業已退休的婦女、或為孩子放棄原來事業的媽媽,營業時間以同事們照顧家庭為先,敬請留意特別的營業時間。
另外,不定期義務教導不同機構的單親或低收入婦女車縫,以助她們增加收入自力更生。各政府註冊機構歡迎聯絡我們。 Phone: (852) 28855226
Email: bbshop.com.hk@gmail.com






1)「Hang Seng Bank」
- 入帳至《恆生銀行》 787-645464-001 (Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited)
- 把存款收據及收件人名稱傳到 payment@hkgoodstuffs.com

2) 轉數快

如用轉數快,必須提供轉數日期及時間,以及銀行戶口名字,例如:WONG Sxx Wxxx ,每天很多相同款項入數,不提供將無法查數。

回覆收據請電郵到: payment@hkgoodstuffs.com

3) 「信用卡 Paydollar 付款」(信用卡付款暫停,直到另行通知)
我們採用全球可靠的 Paydollar 公司代收取信用卡費用,以信用卡3個步驟便可即時付款,顧客不須付任何額外手續費。
- 如信用卡地址及送貨地址不一樣,請務必填寫清楚


訂單滿 HK$800 (香港) 或 HK$1000 (澳門) 免費上門送遞;未滿則收費如下:

i) 香港郵政本地上門送遞服務 HK$20.00(送家居,家居送遞不遇於郵局取回)
- 送遞地區:覆蓋全港所有地址,包括離島。
- 送遞形式:郵政人員會把貨品,上門送到指定地址,不能指定送件時間。
- 家居地址:星期一至六送遞。
- 如家居地址送遞不遇,郵政人員不會再次派遞貨品,他們會把貨品退到送貨地址最近的郵政局,郵政局將於48小時內向你發出取件SMS。客人如誤了送遞時間,必須按照SMS指示到指定郵政局取件。送遞時間延誤或誤了郵政人員上門收件,我們恕不負責。
ii) 順豐送 office HK$38.00
- 星期一至五上門送遞,郵政人員會交給收件人或接待處簽收,不會出現送遞不遇之情況。

ii) 郵政局櫃位取件 HK$10.00(於顧客指定的郵政局取件:查詢接受櫃位領件服務的郵政局
- 取件方式:
iii) 順豐站取件 HK$38.00 (於顧客指定的順豐站件:查詢各順豐站地址
- 取件方式:



澳門 - 順豐速遞:HKD$45
台灣 - 順豐速遞(指定便利店取貨):HKD$70
美國 - e-Express Service (7-14days) :HKD$ 120
澳洲 - e-Express Service (7-14days):HKD$ 120
加拿大 - e-Express Service (7-14days):HKD$ 140




截單及送貨時間 :付款後14個工作天左右可以收到貨品。
所有訂單只根據以上送遞時間送件,為免不公,如需要提早送遞,將收取急單費用,全單加收 50% 急單費。


We don't have Customer Service. All service are self-serviced. Our proudction workshop will be closed early when the Red Rainstorm Signal or above, Typhoon No.3 Signal or above is hoisted in order to allow our mother colleagues to take care of their families.

Hotline: (852) 2885 5226

Payment Methods

There are two payment methods to choose from at the Check Out Section:

By Bank Transfer – Hang Seng Bank

  • Transfer the sales amount of your purchase order to Hang Seng 787-645464-001 (Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited)
  • Send us the bank transfer receipt & the name of receiver for further handling
  • Delivery


    **We offer Free Delivery for all single purchase of HK$800 or above (delivered to Hong Kong address) or single purchase of HK$1000 (delivered to Macau address).**

    Delivery Fee

    Local Courier Post $20.00 - Delivered to Office and Home address

    • Service Provider: Hongkong Post
    • Area: All service area in Hong Kong, including islands
    • Procedures: Item will be delivered to the designated address by Hongkong Post staff at an undesignated time.

    • Office address: Items are delivered every Monday to Friday, either to the addressee or receptionist.
    • Home address: Items are delivered every Monday to Saturday. For any unsuccessful delivery, please note the followings:
      • The item will be sent to the post office nearest to the delivery address. A notification email will be sent to the addressee within 48 hours.
      • Follow the instructions on the email to set up a personal collection code. Bring a printed copy of the email, proof of identity and collection code for the collection of item

    Counter Collection Service $10.00 – Delivered to a designated post office at your choice

    • For the addresses of post office: please Click Here


      Delivery to Other Regions & Fees:

      Macau – S.F. Express – HK$45

      Taiwan – S.F. Express (Pick up at designated convenience store): HK$70

      USA – e-Express Service (7-14days): HK$120

      Australia – e-Express Service (7-14days): HK$120

      Canada – e-Express Service (7-14days): HK$140

      (We regret to inform that other delivery methods are not accepted.)


      Cut-off Times for Purchase & Receiving Time

      Most of our products are manufactured after your orders are confirmed by our staff, an estimated period of 14 working days is required for the products to arrive. (For reference only. Actual time of arrival will be included in the confirmation email.)

      Urgent Orders

      All the items will be produced and delivered according to the above schedule. For urgent orders, an extra 50% of the total purchase cost will be charged.