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BBshop.com.hk Privacy Policy 私隱政策聲明


本私隱政策聲明概述本公司如何管理閣下的個人資料及其他相關資料,並適用於BBshop.com.hk集團(「BBshop.com.hk」或「我們」,即HONG KONG GOOD STUFFS COMPANY LIMITED、其附屬公司、聯營公司及關聯公司,)的所有客戶或與BBshop.com.hk往來的人士客戶和用戶。當閣下完成訂單,則表示同意我們的私隱政策。




(a) 身份證或旅遊證明文件所登記閣下的姓名;

(b) 聯絡資料,包括閣下姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通訊地址、寄發帳單地址或地址證明;

(c) 用以核實身份的資料,包括出生日期、身份證明文件及號碼,例如身份證或旅遊證明文件;

(d) 付款資料,包括信用卡,扣帳卡及銀行資料;

(e) 帳戶資料,包括帳戶號碼、服務號碼、用戶帳號、登入資料、設備序列號;

(f) 安裝服務的地址、通訊地址及/或寄發帳單的地址;

(g) 不論何時與BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited所登記之服務的有關資訊

(h) 為確保BBshop.com.hk能夠遵從法例、法規、規則,判決或法院命令(不論在香港或海外)提供予合適的政府相關部門、法院、執法或有關當局及監管機構要求的所有資料; 及/或

(i) BBshop.com.hk將不時應任何集團成員及/或其承辦商、分包商、中介、代理商、商業夥伴或代表所要求而提交有關資料。


(a) 閣下的年齡;

(b) 性別及種族;

(c) 薪金水平及就業資料;

(d) 教育程度及專業資格;

(e) 嗜好及休閒活動;

(f) 其他已選購的相關產品及服務;及

(g) 家庭及家居統計資料。


閣下或須向我們提供其他人士的個人資料(例如訂單由他人代收)。在此情形下,我們或會要求閣下確認閣下會遵從香港特別行政區法例第 486 章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」) 第 VIA 部,並確認已告知該等人士:個人資料的使用、披露及轉移(包括由閣下向我們提供的資料以及由我們向第三者提供的資料),以及我們可能向閣下披露該等人士的詳情(包括該等人士使用BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited的產品、服務、會員獎賞計劃的詳情);而閣下已獲得該等人士對於該等使用、披露及轉移的授權及/或同意(或者有關授權及/或同意的適用範圍)。閣下亦應提醒該等人士聯絡我們以索取進一步資料 (請參閱下述之「聯絡方式」)。



(a) 直接向閣下收集。例如閣下透過電話、訊息、填寫申請表格或其他商品及/或服務協議提供資料,或通過我們任何網站或流動應用程式提交閣下的個人資料,或與我們聯絡或在你向我們提出查詢或要求期間;

(b) 經閣下同意後向第三者,例如相關的公司、務合作夥伴、或其他客户或閣下的代表收集;

(c) 從公開資料來源收集;

(d) 根據我們內部有關閣下如何使用我們商品或服務的記錄中收集;

(e) 當閣下瀏覽我們的網站(請參閱下述「BBshop.com.hk私隱資料」)時收集;及/或

(f) 當我們根據法規要求收集該等資料。

(g) 為協助培訓員工、改善服務質素及釐清合約事宜,閣下致電我們顧客服務部的對話可能會被錄音。



(a) 瀏覽器類型及版本;

(b) 操作系統;

(c) IP 地址及/或網域名稱;及

(d) 全球資源定位器。




(a) 核實閣下的身份;

(b) 處理閣下選購BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited的商品和服務,及成為BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited會員獎賞計劃的申請;

(c) 提供及啟動你已申請BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited的商品及服務、BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited會員獎賞計劃,包括任何貨品相關的收費及帳單;

(d) 根據條例作出核對程式;

(e) 提供獎勵和促銷活動及分享推廣優惠;

(f) 提供更新、優惠和邀請活動並提供相關的廣告;

(g) 對信貸可靠性和欺詐進行合適的調查;

(h) 由本公司及/或本公司的獨立承辦商為本公司進行研究或分析,以改善BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited的商品、服務及會員獎賞計劃,以及用於調查、推銷和推廣、行為評分和/或商業規劃用途;

(i) 進行市場和產品分析作統計報告。統計報告有可能與BBshop.com.hk以外的公司共享。這些統計報告為整體數據,並不會包含任何可識別你的資料;

(j) 就本公司向閣下提供的貨物及服務作分析、核實、執行合同的權利及/或查核客戶的信用、付款及/或狀況;

(k) 就本公司向閣下提供的貨物或服務處理付款指示、直接扣帳安排及/或賒帳安排;

(l) 維持和開發本公司的業務系統和基礎設施,包括測試及更新該等系統;

(m) 通知客戶有關BBshop.com.hk及Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited可供應的商品、服務、會員獎賞計劃,及BBshop.com.hk及Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited的商業夥伴可提供的產品及服務的有關資訊;

(n) 使本公司能就向閣下提供的產品、服務及/或BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited會員獎賞計劃,履行互連責任、符合其他行業慣例、或向第三者、法院、監管或政府機關負有關的責任; 及

(o) 協助預防、偵查或調查犯罪或潛在犯罪活動。

(s)我們母公司及/或其各間子公司和附屬公司提供的貨物及/或服務的銷售 ;




(a) 客戶諮詢;

(b) 快遞/送貨服務;

(c) 郵件操作;

(d) 帳單和欠款收取;

(e) 資訊科技服務;

(f) 安裝、保養及維修服務;

(g) 市場促銷及電話促銷服務;

(h) 市場調查;及/或

(i) 網站使用量分析。



(a) 閣下的授權代表或法律顧問(在閣下要求下);

(b) 下述為提供行政、付款、收款、商業、法律及/或業務支持的機構:

  1. i) 信貸報告和欺詐調查機構;
  2. ii) 收取欠款代理、證券代理、信貸提供者或其他財務機構 (為信貸有關的用途,包括信用、信貸評級、信用撥備及融資);

iii) 電訊網絡營運商;

  1. iv) 我們的附屬成員(指由任何公司直接或間接控制、受我們或與我們共同控制的公司)、委托人、受讓方及代表;
  2. v) 我們的專業顧問,包括com.hk的會計師、核數師及律師;

(c) 銀行、酒店、保險公司、帳單代理及其他商業夥伴,為BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited專屬會員獎賞計劃作兌換用途,包括但不限於協助會員登記參與有關的活動;

(d) 為了確認和支持閣下所要求的任何產品和服務進行的付款,有必要向任何金融機構、付款卡或信用卡發卡公司、信貸機構、信貸資料公司、或債務代收、或證券代理進行的披露;

(e) 政府及監管機構及其他法律規定或授權的機構;

(f) 管理我們業務及企業策略的機構,包括為該等目的參與轉讓/出售我們全部或部份的資產或業務(包括帳戶和應收帳款)以及參與管理我們的企業風險和資金籌集功能(例如證券化)的機構;

(g) 有關BBshop.com.hk全部或部份運營業務的任何潛在或實際參與者、委托人或受讓方;


(h) 慈善或非牟利機構。

直接促銷 (如適用)
在特定情況下,我們或會使用閣下的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡資料、電話號碼、住宅或辦公室地址和電郵地址或已選購或申請的產品、服務或會員獎賞計劃的資料),以便我們、我們的關聯公司、零售商及業務合作伙伴(合稱「服務供應商」)為你提供產品、服務及優惠推廣(有關以下商品及/或服務,例如嬰兒產品、兒童產品、女裝、男裝、任何合0-80歲適用的頻品)、獎賞、忠誠或尊貴計劃,以及由我們的服務供應商所提供的各種產品或服務的最新情報,有關生活方式、社交活動、旅遊、銀行、酒精及煙草、運動、音樂、娛樂、遊戲、交通、家居、餐飲、金融、保險、博彩、教育、健康及保健、美容產品和服務、時尚及配飾、電子產品、社交網絡、科技、電子商務、物流、零售、家居佈置、媒體及高端消費類產品及服務。該等促銷可透過多種方式進行(包括以郵件、於帳單內函括、電郵、短訊、針對性電視訊息、透過電話或社交媒體或網站顯示廣告或其他方式),並可能在閣下停止選購我們的產品或服務、或終止BBshop.com.hk或Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited會員計劃後繼續進行,直至閣下選擇拒絕接收該等促銷資料為止。








(a) 個人資料會保存至達到與收集上述資料之原來目的,或直接有關之目的為止;除非上述個人資料可根據任何適用法律、法規或合約規定須予以保存;及

(b) 基於上述標準及本公司的內部程序,個人資料會在本公司的電子、人手及其他儲存系統中被清除。





(a) 當閣下發現個人資料記錄有任何錯誤時請通知我們;及

(b) 請通知我們若閣下的地址或電郵地址等個人資料有所改變或更新。


Hong Kong Good Stuffs Company Limited




We are BBshop.com.hk (collectively referred to as "we", "the company" or "BBshop") and we own and operate the site www.bbshop.com.hk (collectively referred to as "our site" or "BBshop.com.hk"). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications, and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as services). We recognize the importance of your privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services provided by us and sets out how we may collect, use and disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy is governed by and observes the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the "Ordinance").

Our Company Policy

You need not supply any personal data in order to access the company’s website. When you participate in, access or sign up to any of the services, personal data is collected from you to enable us to provide you with the services. You may decline to provide us with the requested personal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the services to you. By submitting your personal data, you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.

Types of Personal Data Collected

For the purpose of carrying on the company's business, including registration and administration of the company's website and related products and services (including relevant online services), you may be requested to provide personal data such as, but not limited to, the following, without which it may not be possible to satisfy your request:

(i) Your name;(ii) Contact details, including contact name and telephone number or email address, delivery address.

In some instances, you may also be requested to provide certain data that may be used to further improve our products and services and/or better tailor the type of information presented to you. In most cases, this type of data is optional although, where the requested service is a personalized service, or provision of a product is dependent on your providing all requested data, failure to provide the requested data may prevent us from providing the service to you. This type of data includes, but is not limited to:

(i) Gender;(ii) Hobbies and leisure activities;(iii) Other related products and services subscribed to.

The company's web servers may also collect data relating to your online session, the use of which is to provide aggregated, anonymous, statistical information on the server's usage so that we may better meet the demands and expectations of visitors to our sites. This type of data may include, but is not limited to:

(i) The browser type and version;(ii) Operating system; and(iii) The IP address and/or domain name.

Use of personally identifiable information collected

Personal data collected from you may be used by the company for:

  1. Providing you with the related services;
  2. Verifying your account identity;
  3. Handling your order(s) and payment instructions, or collecting outstanding bills or other instructions;
  4. Analyzing, verifying, and/or conducting credit checks, payment details and/ or conditions, so as to provide you with the related services;
  5. Designing services for you;
  6. Providing you with customer service;
  7. Conducting marketing research, statistics analysis, and behavior analysis;
  8. Auditing;
  9. Making disclosures when required by applicable laws, rules and regulations;
  10. Direct marketing of the products and services of the company and its business partners.

Direct marketing

We have asked you for your consent before you have provided us with your personally identifiable information. After receiving your consent, you may receive from us or from our affiliated companies telephone calls, email and direct mailings containing promotional materials from time to time. We mainly communicate with you through email, if you wish to unsubscribe the direct marketing communications, you can find and click on the unsubscribe link in each of the promotional email, and we will opt you out from the mailing listing without any cost. 

Retention of the information

In your dealings with us, we retain records of your online transactions for auditing purposes. Our general policy is to retain the information for a reasonable period. We do not offer online facilities for you to delete personal data held by us.

Access to and correction of information

If you want to access and/or correct your personally identifiable information which you have given us via internet, you may write to us via:

Email: cs@bbshop.com.hk Or


6E, Block B,
Universal Industrial Center, 19-25 Shan Mei Street,
Fotan, N.T.

Hong Kong


All personal data you provide to us is secured on our web site with restricted access by authorized personnel only.

Use of Cookies

When you browse BBshop.com.hk, the company will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our site will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information. For your information, Cookies are computer files which will be stored in web surfer’s computer for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analyzing web surfers viewer habits. They can save you from registering again when re-visiting a web site and are commonly used to track your preferences in relation to the subject matter of the website. You have a choice not to accept the Cookies, but to do so you may be unable to utilize or activate certain available functions on our site.

Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to BBshop.com.hk Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, you leave our website and the company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information you give to any other entity after you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk.

Juvenile Protection

We will neither knowingly collect information on any juvenile nor advice any juvenile to use our services. Unless permitted by law and approved by the guardian, the juvenile may not register an account or send their name, address, telephone or email address to us. If we collect any information about the juvenile negligently, we will delete as soon as possible when we are aware. If you think that we might hold information from or on any juvenile, please contact us.

Data Access & Correction

If you have any query in relation to the BBshop's privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact us by writing to the following address:


6E, Block B,
Universal Industrial Center, 19-25 Shan Mei Street,
Fotan, N.T.

Hong Kong

Amending Privacy Policy Statement

Our Privacy Policy Statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice, and it will be published on our site (bbshop.com.hk). You are advised to check it on a regular basis in order to obtain the latest version.