繡名指示: 此款式屬訂製款式。請在下單後,在確認貨品數量時,在「Add special instructions for your order」中寫上要繡的名字。
Name embroidery instruction: After pressing "Check Out", please enter the name for embroidery under the "Add special instructions for your order" column. Embroider name : maximum 4 Chinese letters or 12 English letters. Language : Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and French.
小童被仔: 尺寸Size : 110cm (W) x 140cm (H) Embroider name height 名字高度:3cm (名字越長,高度越短) 雙層設計。正面為自選花布,背面為保暖仿絨布料。請小心使用,慎防阻礙嬰兒呼吸。 2 layers with printed cotton fabric on the front with velvet on the back. Please ensure safety with extra care and good ventilation.