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HEB407 Blue Galaxy Print Personalized Bag 深藍色宇宙繡名帆布袋 (2 sizes)

HEB407 Blue Galaxy Print Personalized Bag 深藍色宇宙繡名帆布袋 (2 sizes)

Regular price HKD $288.00
Unit price  per 

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Bag Description: Unicorns Pattern Cotton, Water repellent interlining, Velcro and Pink color braid handle.


2歲至5歲 (只供參考): 
- Size 尺寸:24cm 闊,29cm 高
- Handle 手挽帶: 36cm
- Embroider name height approx 名字高度約:3cm (名字越長、高度越矮)

5歲至10歲 (只供參考): 
- Size 尺寸:27cm 闊,35.5cm 高
- Handle 手挽帶: 36cm
- Embroider name height approx 名字高度約:3cm (名字越長、高度越矮)
如何告知我們繡名名字 How to inform us the embroider name:  
請在下單後,在確認貨品數量時,在「Add Instruction to this order」中寫上要繡的名字。
After you click "Check Out", please input the name into "Note" that you would like us to embroider during confirming the product quantity.
Please email or whatsapp us if you skipped the "Note".

1. 無論任何情況,貨品均恕不退款或換貨,購買前必須考慮清楚。
2. 由於工場繡線顏色有過千種,無法逐一讓客人選擇,不設自選繡線顏色,每個顏色在不同布料上也有不同效果,故繡線色會依製作部以專業配色選擇。
3. 無論任何語言,均不可自選字型。
4. 花布布料由美國、日本布廠製作,布料跟從國際染色標準,沒有採用不合格的定色或染色物料,故布料在首數次洗後會有輕微脫色,屬合格染色布料的正常現象。請獨立清洗,切勿混合其他衣物清洗,否則其他衣物在磨擦過程減少顏色。建議單獨手洗,如放洗衣機,須放在洗衣網,再以輕柔模式清洗,就如清洗絲質或羊毛布料一樣。
5. 每件貨品均為人手製造,每件貨品尺寸可能有2cm左右的差別。
6. 此乃既定版型貨品,並非訂製貨品,不設更換任何細節、包括長短、版型、加鈕、改拉鍊等均需收取附加費。我們設有訂製服務,貨期是3個月,袋類訂製HK$1000.00 起,訂製請按最頂的連結向同事報價。
7. 貨品並非防皺物料,也沒有使用化學噴劑令其長久筆直亮麗,故每件貨品會均有布料天然皺摺,加上是棉布,必須燙直。
8. 布料花紋並非均等印製,印花顏色及排位與照片所示不一,不設指定顏色、花紋排位。
9. 每部電腦/手機屏幕顯示的顏色均不同,顏色必定會和實物出現差距,如對顏色有高度要求的客人,請按此先以HK$60.00購買布辦,或親自到達工場查看布料顏色。所有貨品顏色問題,如沒有購買布辦而購買此貨品,即屬對貨品顏色沒異議。
10. 貨品照片是客人訂購的成品參考,或包含客人自行額外付款的項目,請與我們同事聯絡瞭解清楚。
11. 如不同意上述需知及條款,請勿下單,訂單一經付款,即代表知悉及同意此頁所有內容。


-All products are handmade. Each product might have a deviation of no less than 1cm
- No chemicals are used in the production process which makes the fabric shinier, as a result, products might have a few wrinkles.
- The pattern of the fabric is not evenly printed. As a result, the collocation of the pattern or the color might be different. The collocation of the pattern cannot be guaranteed.
-The inner fabric or the bottom fabric of similar material and different color might be used.
- Since computer monitors’ might portray our product photos in a different way due to the difference of the resolution. Therefore, the color in the product photo might be different with the actual product.
- Should you do not agree the above terms and conditions, do not place the order. BBshop.com.hk shall not be liable to any responsibility once the product has been delivered.
